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Chin Augmentation

If your chin isn’t shaped the way you’d like, a highly effective cosmetic surgery can perfect its appearance with minimal downtime. At Advanced Specialty Associates in Baxter, Minnesota, the experienced team of otolaryngology and facial plastic surgery specialists offers chin augmentation that exceeds your beauty goals. Call the office to schedule a consultation, or use the online booking feature today.

Chin Augmentation Q&A

What is chin augmentation?

Chin augmentation at Advanced Specialty Associates is a cosmetic procedure that changes the shape of your chin, altering the overall appearance of your face and adding volume to your chin using implants. The procedure offers numerous benefits, allowing you to achieve your desired facial features and contours.

What are the advantages of chin augmentation?

The benefits you can take advantage of when choosing chin augmentation at Advanced Specialty Associates include:

Chin augmentation dramatically alters your face shape, making it aesthetically pleasing without invasive procedures.

Is chin augmentation right for me?

The Advanced Specialty Associates team lets you know if chin augmentation is for you after discussing your cosmetic goals and medical history. They also examine your face and chin before tailoring a natural-looking treatment that exceeds your expectations. If your chin lacks volume, chin augmentation may be the solution for which you’ve been searching.

How should I prepare for the procedure?

Follow your surgeon’s instructions to get ready for chin augmentation. They ask that you stop smoking, avoid taking certain medicines, and find someone to drive you home after surgery. You may need to avoid foods and drinks the morning of the procedure.

What happens during chin augmentation?

Your surgeon numbs the treatment area and offers a sedative to relax you or general anesthesia to help you fall asleep.

They make incisions on either side of your mouth and under your chin, sculpt bone, and insert an implant under the skin before closing your incisions. The surgeon might also make an incision inside your mouth to reposition certain bones. The procedure could last about one to three hours, depending on your unique needs and end goals.

What should I expect after chin augmentation?

After chin augmentation, get plenty of rest and follow your provider’s instructions. Avoid strenuous activity until given permission, take medications as directed, and ice the treatment area to reduce swelling. 

In addition to swelling, you can expect some bruising, redness, and tenderness during the healing process. Attend follow-up visits with the Advanced Specialty Associates team and call the office with any questions.

To learn more about chin augmentation and find out if it’s right for you, schedule a consultation at Advanced Specialty Associates by phone or online today.

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